Saturday 20 April 2013


Here are some specifications regarding NEO COSMO GLAMOUR LENS

* Disposable 1 year wear

* 14.2 mm diameter (not for enlargement purposes)

* Water Content : 45%

Obviously, these lenses aren't really meant for enlargement, but for subtle color changes in the iris. Let's start with Green (one of my favorite color when it comes to color lens).

Unless it's an oddly off-green, green lenses seem to go really well with dark brown eyes. If your original eye color can be seen (at semi-transparently) through the color of the lens, it gives you a very musky, grayish brown/green/yellow look. You just have to pick the right lenses!

This is how the lens look like when they're not in the eyes. They are tri-color lens, which claims to blend in the colors more naturally. The outer color is charcoal color, blending in with a light lemon green color, which also blends in with a yellow-brown inner color. If you look at the rim, it's not a full closed circle, but more like spiky rays, which doesn't make your iris look like it was traced with a sharpie.

Let's see how it looks like in the model's eye.

In dark or regular indoor lighting, the green doesn't really stand out. It rather makes your eyes look a bit gray. The spiky edges reduce the harshness of the colors and creates a soft, blurry effect around the rims.


Now the Brown lens.

Many people might think brown don't provide any "drastic" difference, I think brown lenses are the ones that provide the most difference without letting everyone know you have made some color alterations to your eyes.

I know opinions are split down the middle regarding how light the color of the brown should be, but I like really light browns. Almost yellow/orange colored lenses. You have to take into consideration that you're layering these lenses on top of a very dark base color. If the lens color isn't as light as yellow/orange tones, it will defeat the purpose of wearing color lenses.

And Neo Cosmo really delivered well on the coloring. It reminded me of my past favorite brown lenses (Freshlook color in Hazel), but with a bit more sophistication. Although the color differences aren't as distinguishable as the greens, the tri-coloring is the same on these too.

Let's see how well it suits the model's eyes.

As you can see, the color looks almost identical, but a bit lighter, to the original eye color. However, when the eyes are facing some lighting or are in natural sunlight that is when the true beauty of these lenses come out. They instantly brighten up the eyes and gives you that exotic look.



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